Nursery Re-Opening 1st June 2020
What we will do:
● Keep following government guidelines and legislation (where possible).
● Follow our normal policies and covid-19 policy.
● Keep you updated.
● Keep track of our health and record daily on our staff health checker, keep track of children's health through regular monitoring and temperature checks and keep a record of checks carried out.
● Manage the setting in a way that aims to support the children and adults to social distance as much as possible, although, you must be aware this cannot be guaranteed due to the ages of the children and the level of support they sometimes need.
● Include more structured, theme based, adult led activities.
● Create manageable sized groups, to help prevent the spread of covid-19.
● Continue to support children who can’t attend, via facebook, zoom and Tapestry.
● Set a more extensive cleaning schedule to follow daily. This cannot be guaranteed clinically clean.
What we need you to do:
● Keep following government guidelines and legislation.
● Keep 2 metres away from staff and not enter the setting.
● Keep track of your child’s and family’s health and take daily temperature checks and record.
● Keep you child off if they are showing anysigns of any illness, especiallycovid-19
● Report all absences at the beginning of the day, even if it is not health related.
● If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch Please make sure that all children can open their own food packaging. E.g. tear yoghurt top. If not please package in a way that they can open it themselves.
● Parents must be available to collect children who show any symptoms of Covid 19 immediately and they will need to remain away from nursery for 14 days.
● Do not bring toys in from home.
● In hot weather, supply and apply ALL DAY sun cream before attending the session and ensure hats are supplied and shoulders are covered.
● Respond to all correspondence from the setting.
The overall approach to operating nurseries during the pandemic:
Our key priority at all times is the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in our care, their families and our staff. In specific regard to the current pandemic, we are operating to our own comprehensive and regularly updated COVID-19 polices regarding infection control, and we will also continue to introduce additional measures in line with the latest guidance from the NHS, Public Health Bodies, and government. Our full Risk Assessment is published on our website. It is something that will be reviewed on a daily basis and adapted as necessary.
We have been in constant consultation with our settings, the local authority and national bodies to confirm best practices and systems that have proved effective in nurseries that have been able to stay operational during the lockdown.
Safety measures we will be putting in place:
In line with government and NHS recommendations we have put many additional measures in place, which include those relating to nursery access, social distancing, and hygiene practices. These are fully covered in our Risk Assessment.
Managing social distancing requirements:
At drop off and pick up times we are asking parents to hand their child to a member of staff at the nursery entrance and remain a 2 metre distance from other parents. We are putting the same measures in place at the end of the day when parents arrive to collect their child. Where we are able to, we will be adding markers to help with this. On dropping off your child you will be asked for their estimated pick up time. This is so room leaders can prepare children for home time to minimise the time taken at handover. We can explain this in more detail as required.
Children will be cared for in consistent groups of children and staff. We have made changes to our indoor environments and the organisation of activities so as to encourage children to naturally use all areas of the room, rather than congregate in one area. We are extremely fortunate at Katie’s Kids to have a fabulous outdoor space. Our intention is to have the children outdoors as much as possible in designated and zoned off areas for their groups. We have also looked at our staff areas and provided guidance to our staff on how to implement social distancing in the nursery. We recognise that social distancing for our nurseries represents a challenge for young children who like close contact with adults and other children and we want to reassure you that we won’t stop hugging children when they need a cuddle or some reassurance.
Managing access to the nursery:
No staff member who has COVID-19 symptoms, (or who has a member of their family displaying symptoms) will be admitted into the nursery until they have either completed self-isolation in line with government guidance or have had a test and tested negative. Parents will be asked to confirm at the nursery entrance that neither their child nor anybody in their household is displaying any COVID-19 symptoms such as a new continuous cough or a high temperature of 37.8°C or more. Non-essential visitors are not permitted at the nursery.
Staff PPE:
Staff will wear PPE when very close contact is required such as at drop of and pick up times, nappy changing. Masks will only be used should a staff member specifically require them or if a child becomes unwell during the day and needs to go into the Isolation room.
Staff testing:
In line with the current government guidelines staff do not need to be routinely tested at this stage. Staff and children can be tested if they display symptoms.
Additional cleaning and hygiene processes:
We will allocate a member of the team who will be responsible for regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects that are frequently touched by children and adults. These include high-risk contact areas such as door handles and doors, toys and children’s resources, phones, keyboards, light switches, taps, toilet flushes, sinks, countertops, handrails etc. We have removed activities which could pose a risk for cross contamination. Where possible we will allocated individual resources to children e.g. Personal pots of playdough and sets of mark making tools. As well as ensuring that staff and children are cleaning hands more often than usual, we are ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach to any coughs or sneezes. Children will be supported to ensure they wash their hands properly.
Children or staff members becoming ill during the nursery day:
If children or staff develop any symptoms such as a new continuous cough or a high temperature of 37.8°C we will take immediate action. Staff will be asked to return home immediately, self-isolate and seek a test. For children we have a dedicated Isolation room, where they will be taken and cared for by a member staff who is known to them until a parent can come and collect them.
Supporting children’s understanding of the new measures and practices:
All of our children will be trained and supported in the new measures. Whilst we understand that this will be difficult in our toddler and baby rooms, staff are well aware of the requirements needed to support your children and will be diligent as ever in maintaining a high level of care.
Key persons:
We will endeavour where possible not to change a child's key person: however, due to the need to reduce group sizes we do anticipate that for some children this could mean a key person change. If this is necessary we will communicate with families before any changes are made.
Settling children back into nursery routine:
We appreciate that the return after such a long period of time will be a challenge to children. As always, we will treat each child in respect to their individuality and need. Please be assured that our staff are extremely experienced in settling children into the rooms. Children will be grouped in accordance to their interests and friendship groups to help them settle more easily. Parents will not be permitted in the nursery at all. All children will be greeted by a senior member of staff at the door and then collected by their designated adult. Although comforters and items from home may be a help in settling in children we will limit such items as those deemed absolutely necessary for you child’s day. We may contact you in regard to this.
Children due to transition into a new room:
We have many children who were due, or are due, to move up into the toddler room or pre-school rooms. To help with the transition back into nursery life, all transitions have been temporarily paused so children settle back into more familiar surroundings. Transitions will be planned in a phase manner based on; preventing children moving back and forth between rooms to minimise the risk of transmission and the readiness of child(ren) to move up. All decisions will of course be made in consultation with parents.
Finding out about what you child has been doing in nursery:
To minimise social contact there will not be detailed handovers at the end of the day. Key events, feeding and notable incidents will of course be communicated. Staff will be updating tapestry and we would encourage you to look on and update your child’s tapestry journal. Facebook will be used to show wider activities for each group on a day-to-day basis. We will be asking parents to update/confirm all social media and photo sharing preferences.
Children who have achieved milestones or have changed routines since the closure:
If your child has achieved a milestone during lockdown, for example: potty training, use of cutlery or even walking during the lockdown period we will of course need to know. This will help us plan for and celebrate them on their return. All families will be asked to fill in an online form detailing any change of routine and achievements prior to their child’s return. The form will also be asking for updated emergency contacts, a declaration of understanding of our procedure outlined in our risk assessment and any new interests or preferences your child might have developed. Please be advised that we will not be able to admit any children into the nursery until this form has been submitted.
New starters:
We have had several children who were due to start with us over the months of April, May and June. All new starters will have their places with us but in fairness to the children and families returning and our staff we have deferred all new starters until at least July. This will give us the opportunity to settle or children back in, review our procedures and plan settling in sessions with our new families that will adhere to our new procedures. We will not be allowing ‘show rounds’ for potential new starters for the foreseeable future.
Children who are poorly (not COVID-19 related):
We ask parents to retain their usual vigilance around not sending their child to nursery if unwell, unless it is a very minor illness. Please call the office if in any doubt.
Our opening times:
The nursery will operate its usual times, but we ask for patience around drop off and pick up in order to comply with social distancing.
Should wish to highlight concerns or comment on any of the above or our Risk Assessment, please do email us. Should you wish us to call and discuss individual matters and needs, again please email us outlining your concerns/queries and one of us will contact you as soon as possible. Please be aware that we might not be able to respond on the day of your email, but you will be contacted within 48 hours.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
Katie's Kids Nursery